Saturday, July 3, 2010

So You Think You Can Sing

I swear, my time is not my own. But without further ado, my Saturday night!

There was only one thing of interest that happened to me today, so yet again, i am going to skip most of my day, and head straight for the good stuff.

The event of the day? Beijing opera. Do you know what that is? It is a performing art, obviously. There is singing and performing, and acrobatics. Obviously, all of the singing is Chinese. The weird thing is, most Chinese people can't understand what they are saying. The only way we know what is going on in the story is because of the translation that gets posted on screens to the side of the stage. On the stage, there are no props, just the people acting, jumping and screaming and playing pretend fights. It really is one of the most intense performances I have ever seen. They are amazing performers. Despite the fact that the stage has no props, they still manage to portray the attitudes and stories perfectly.

And the costumes and the makeup! How elaborate. They paint their faces in different patterns and colors, and each pattern and color have a different meaning. The costumes are just as elaborate. There are many pieces, with colors and sparkly things and what not. Sorry, that is not a very good explanation. But it kind of reminds me of an LSD dream that has exploded all over the place. Or a clown sneeze.

The performance lasted for an hour and a half. We got to sit at tables where they served us tea and snacks. Most people just got regular grandstand seating. Suckers. I don't know how we got so lucky. Everybody there was a foreigner. It was a little bit strange to see so many white people in one place after being around so many Chinese people. Just saying.

The performance finished at 8:30. As soon as it was over, I made the executive decision that it was high time for dinner. I don't know about you, but I turn into a huge cranky bitch whenever I am hungry. It runs in the family. I was born without a shot. Some of my friends and I, with 10 minutes to wait before the buses left, ran across the road, and got some food to go. We made it back to the buses with dinner, with 30 seconds to spare. How is that for skill?

For whatever reason (probably because the teachers know just how cool we really are) we got a bus to ourselves on the way home. 8 people, in one 50 person bus. Party time! As soon as we finished dinner (which is harder than it sounds, because we did not plan ahead and order bus food. Nor were there any lights to see dinner with. And we were using chopsticks. Those are not good things to combine) it was party time. One of the guys could beat box, so we laughed our way back to school. Leg - wait for it - DARY.

Some people went out later that night to go watch soccer, and party it up. But I am a complete homebody, so I stayed home. And that, my friends and family, is all that I am going to admit too.

Questions and comments!

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