Sunday, July 25, 2010

And Who Are You?

I'm going to be very very honest with you. This is not going to be a long blog. Nor is it going to be very interesting. You might be better off not reading it. But even though it is going to be boring, I am going to write it anyway.

So I may have lied. This weekend had two bad days. I stayed inside today doing my homework, because to be quite honest, I didn't do any of my homework yesterday. That meant that today, I had to do all of it. Read the text, write the story, memorize the cards. You know, the basics. And not to mention, I am so burned out from last week that I feel like I need the weekend to just stay inside and lick my wounds. So to speak.

I had a very interesting wake up experience this morning. I had just woken up, and was lying in bed, trying to disentangle the dream world and reality, when someone knocked on my door. It was 8:45 in the morning, so excuse me for not expecting anyone to be knocking on my door. I jumped out of bed and stumbled over to the door, completely not awake. When I opened up the door, there was a Chinese girl standing there, who waved at me and said hello. I had no idea who she was. When I asked her what she wanted, she said "Oh, didn't your teachers tell you? We are going." WHAT??? No, my teachers did not tell me.

When I asked her where we were going though, she said, I have no idea. WHAT???? I felt like I must have still been dreaming. To recap, she knocked on my door way too early, told me that we were leaving, but she didn't know where, and I have no idea who she is. When I asked her who she is, she just laughed at me, like she couldn't believe that I didn't know. That's when I got mad. She had woken me up, and was now talking to me in circles. When I asked her if she was looking for me, or for somebody, she got very vague and said she wasn't too clear. WHAT THE FUCK. I asked her if she was looking for the girl next to me, who has a name similar to me. That seemed to ring a bell. She walked next door and knocked on the door. She wasn't there, so the Chinese girl said sorry, and left. I closed my door, went back inside, and jumped back in bed. I figured that since I was already clearly dreaming, I might as well do it horizontally.

Honestly, the only thing interesting that happened to me today was that I caved in, and went to go see Jack. I am going to see him tomorrow as well. I am on a roll this weekend. I think that it is the stress. It went better today than it did yesterday. Today, it was mostly legs. Actually, it was just about all legs. I was hurting by the end of the session. And my head was spinning. This is starting to be a serious problem. I can't tell if it is because of the heat, because I am lifting too many weights, or because I am just a wimp. Who knows. Actually. I'm interested. Any guesses?

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was my day. I told you that it was going to be boring. I warned you. And now, I am going to bed. Goodnight!

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