Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday Blues

I didn't have some crazy Chinese girl knocking on my door to wake me up this morning. That was a plus, at least. And I got a hot shower this morning. A legitimate hot shower. That never happens. I was feeling on top of the world. Well, not really, actually. I was more feeling like I was moving through soup. I swear, waking up before 7 during the summer is barbaric. At least, it is when you are an 18 year old (but not for much longer!) college student.

Class today was... well... I managed to keep my eyes open, anyway. I always feel so bad when I am falling asleep in class. It's not because I'm not interested. I am. And I want to listen. I want to jump into the conversation. But I just can't. All I can think about is going back to sleep.

It actually wasn't bad today. I mostly understood what was going on, and I knew the grammar, and I knew the words. It wasn't too bad. It even made me forget about the absolute horrible weather outside. It felt like it was about a million degrees, and it was humid. You could feel the smog clinging to your skin. It was not a happy feeling, I can tell you that right now. It actually made me happy to be in class, so that I didn't have to be outside.

I grabbed a quick lunch of a couple of bao zi, and went back to my room to rest. And to try to get some of my homework done. We had so much to do tonight, I just didn't want to leave all of it to do tonight. We had to write 2 small essays, do some grammar points, read a small essay, memorize 50 characters, and memorize a large paragraph to recite to our teacher tomorrow. So you can see why I wanted to get a head start on it.

After my last hour with just me and a teacher (I still haven't figured out an English name for that class. It's annoying) I dragged myself to an HSK preparation class. One of the teachers was giving a lecture for half an hour on how to take the test, so I went. I figured, why not? I should go, so I went. It didn't really look like any of us wanted to be there, but honestly, I think that we got brownie points for going. And besides, it was helpful.

I saw Jack tonight. Third day in a row. I was still a little bit sore from yesterday. I have even tried to send him a text earlier trying to cancel, but in typical fashion, he wouldn't let me. So I went. The entire hour was all stomach and arms. I was exhausted by the end of it, but oh so happy with myself. There were times where I couldn't actually do what he wanted my too, because i couldn't really move my arms. That's always a fun feeling. He makes me do things in sets of threes, for the record. At one point, he showed me how to do something, and then made me do it 15 times. I used all my strength trying to finish, and if I hadn't already been lying down, I probably would have collapsed. Then he looked at me and said, you have to do this twice more, 20 times each. I started laughing. Honestly, it was either laughing or crying. It's sad how often those two emotions pop up when you are working out. Or maybe it is just me.

There is something actually happy about feeling all of your muscles crying out in agony. Well, at least, I know that I will feel better tomorrow. Jack definitely warmed up. He started out a little bit grouchy, but I think he enjoys watching me suffer. In a nice way, of course. And I think he is happy that I am finally becoming "prettier". I have some issues still when he says this, but hey, we all have our own baggage. Maybe this is just his hangover from his childhood. I am fine as I am, thank you very much!

The rest of the night was spent crazily writing my homework, and spouting random sentences in Chinese that I sure as hell hop that I am saying right. I know that they are at least mostly correct. And I'll take it! I've fond that having all of this homework is actually making me a little bit grouchy. Yes, I know, I am supposed to be here to learn Chinese. And yes, I love learning Chinese, and I love working this hard to learn it. But let's be real here. This is my summer vacation. I am in China. I have less than 3 weeks left here. I probably won't be back here for years. And I can't go outside and enjoy it, because I am trapped inside, working on my homework, that I almost can't finish. Is it so bad for me to want to actually enjoy my summer? Apparently so. No wonder I get grouchy.

Good night all!

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