Friday, November 14, 2008

The Recovery

It's interesting how you always need a couple days to recover from a vacation. You would think that the vacation would have relaxed you, but you need a vacation from the vacation. Today was that day for me. But it didn't start out very relaxing. We were on the train coming back from Suzhou, so I was woken up rather rudely. And early. We slept in very close quarters on the train, and I was woken up when my friends' phone started beeping at her. Every minute, for half an hour. At 5:45 in the morning. To make my life even better, they had turned the lights on, so it was hard to go back to sleep. When the food lady came by screaming that she was selling coffee, and when the music turned on, I just gave up and got out of bed. I was feeling rather irritable though. You would too if that was how you were woken up.

We got off the train at 7:24, and there was a collective sigh of relief to be back in Beijing. Traveling was great, but it is nice to be home. It is weird to think of Beijing as home, but that really is how I am starting to think of it. I got that same feeling of relief to be back as I get when I return to California from trips. Maybe I am getting used to life here.

We moved as a collective group out of the train station, and that is about where the group ended. We were taking the subway back to school, and some people had to buy tickets. There was a huge line to buy tickets, so Mr. Bissell told us that who ever had a quick pass could just go. Chris, Warren, Mike Reddy and I got in line to get into the subway, and got on the first train there. It was a pretty quick ride back to school (Warren got off a couple stops before to go home) and the rest of us decided to be lazy and ride a bus 2 stops down to get to school. What can I say, we had just been walking all over China, a little public transportation never hurt anyone. Well, not this time anyone. I realize that probably isn't the case all the time. Moving on.

I bought a jian bing before anything else. I had a serious craving for one. I even had put money (easily accessible) into my pockets so that I could grab it and buy some food. Cheers for planning ahead. I also stopped at a newspaper stand to get some money for my phone, because I was so low that I couldn't even call people. It was bad. I am getting a little too dependent on my phone these days. But everything is so cheap here that I don't even feel that bad.

I walked upstairs with Chris and Mike to be social, because they had to get some packages out of the office (stupid families who send their kids Halloween candy... I may be hating a little bit). I didn't have a package, but I'm not complaining. I just steal other people's food anyway, so it is not a big deal.

I went home shortly; the lure of a shower and proper clean clothes was just too much. I just rode the bus home, because it was much more convenient then getting my family to pick me up. Public transportation in Beijing is really good. You don't need a car to get places. It was weird to be walking home again, and be doing things that are so normal. I felt a little out of place. When I walked in my door, Jerry, the dog, absolutely went nuts. I think he missed me (at least, that is what I am telling myself.)

I had a quick conversation with my Chinese parents, pulled all the dirty clothes out of my bag, and hopped in the shower. I swear, a shower has never felt so good in my whole life. There were times when I didn't shower for 4 days (gross much?) and this one this morning was almost orgasmic. All my clothes were dirty though, so I just got back in pjs, and continued my conversation with my family. I almost kissed my mother when she offered to wash my clothes.

The rest of the day was rather relaxing. My mom and dad (who were home all day for some reason) went food shopping this morning and I stayed home in bed. I made a quick run outside to get some of the good raisin cake, but it was bloody cold today (the high was 55 degrees, maybe. It is starting to get cold in Beijing, which is going to be a problem for me). Needless to say, I decided to stay inside for the rest of the day.

My family made jiao zi (饺子 - dumplings) for lunch, which were delicious as usual. I have missed their cooking, especially because I was not impressed with the food on the trip. Both before and after lunch, I had long conversations with my mom, dad and sister back in America. Catch up sessions, if you will. It was nice, because I haven't talked to them in 2 weeks.

I wasn't nearly as productive as I should have been. I went down for about a 4 hour nap (I know, it's impressive. Try not to be too jealous) right after lunch, and when I woke up (at about 4:30) my parents were out again, but this time, I have no idea where they were. They came home shortly, and started putting food out on the table. We didn't eat until about 7 though, and I was really confused as to why we had 4 extra seats around the table. No one ever tells me anything. It wasn't until the grandfather came over and put a cake on the table that they bothered to tell me that today is actually my mom's birthday, and we were celebrating. Bugger. Nobody ever says when their birthday is here in China (my mom's excuse was that she is too old. She is not.) I feel bad, like I should have gotten a present. Too late now, I guess.

My grandparents, uncle and aunt came over for a pretty good dinner. The cake was just store bought cake, but it was pretty good as far as cake goes here in China. And it was a good family dinner. I understood more tonight. I guess that trip really did help. Who knew? People talked to me a little tonight, but I was still pretty tired from my trip. They got a kick out of me telling them where I had gone. Although they started describing things, and I had no idea what they were talking about. That was interesting.

After dinner was chill. I went back to my room to rest, and I am not sure what my family did. Now, I am sitting in bed, and about to go to sleep, even though it is only 10:15. I am turning into light weight, I know. It's a little embarassing, but in my defense, I am recovering. I hope nothing catastrophic has happened in my presense. For the first time in 2 weeks, goodnight all.

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