Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Day of Sickness

As much as I love being in China, I am really starting to hate the early mornings that seem to be a requirement for living here. This morning, start time was 6 AM. I was so passed out this morning that my alarm didn't even wake me up at first, and when it did, it took me a while to figure out what was making the sound, and how I was supposed to turn it off. I almost went back to sleep, but it only only sheer will that I dragged myself out of bed, got dressed, and walked out the door. It was also raining this morning, and really freakin cold. My parents even woke up specifically this morning to tell me not to bike, because it was so rainy and cold. So I busted out my travel umbrella, put on my beanie and gloves, and walked to the bus stop to catch bus 16. I don't know why it was so cold today, but I didn't appreciate it.

I got to school, and realized that all the studying I did last night for my math test was all on the wrong stuff. We were doing limits, not derivatives. But it was easily remedied, because I already knew limits from last year. But it was still annoying.

I also found that I seem to have lost all of my energy. I am running on empty, as some people say. All through Chinese, I was trying to prop my head up on my hands so that I would stay awake. I felt like a zombie, and my friend kept saying 起床, which means wake up. I struggled through it, learned new characters, and trooped off to my math test, the next hell I was to be subjected to.

As it turns, the test was actually pretty easy (watch, now that I have said that I am going to get an F. Just watch.) After the test, we supposedly had 2 hours for lunch, because we had to be back to go to the Llama Temple. (I was going to go to a Italian sandwich place with my friend Chris, but he was sick today and didn't come to school, so my plans were foiled. It would have been a shitty thing to do to go without him. Actually, he sent me a message later via Facebook saying that if I had gone without him, we were fighting.) Me and a bunch of friends went to the jiao zi place that I went to a couple of days ago, even though I don't exactly trust it. Truth be told, I didn't realize we were going to that place until we were already there. We being Gavin, Robbin, Hannah, Jamie and Julia (of who Gavin and Julia are sick). After a rather large lunch, we all walked back to school in the cold and the drizzle, which wasn't the nicest. It wasn't until we got to school that it was announced that the trip had been cancelled. Why they couldn't have told us earlier, I have no idea, but that threw everyone into a frenzy of trying to figure out how to spend the rest of the day.

For me, it started out by walking five minutes to a bubble tea place inside the university with Julia. I got hot coconut bubble tea, which was yummy, and nice because the drink was hot, but it was freezing outside. Nice change. When we got back to school, Jamie had finished changing money, and was waiting for us at the gates (actually he called me first and it was really funny, because I heard my phone ringing, but I didn't realize it was mine, so I was trying to figure out who wasn't answering their phones. They I realized it was mine, and I felt really stupid.) Anyways, after figuring out a group that wanted to go somewhere and running into bike trouble (Hannah's bike got a flat tire so she couldn't go) we decided to go to Wangfujing, which is a big shopping plaza close to Tian An Men square, because Jamie had to meet his real cousin. The only problem was that is was about a 25 minute bike ride, and I didn't have a bike. So I sat on the back of Marianne (another friend. What can I say, I am popular) 's bike, and got a ride that way. It was pretty fun. But really cold. (Although we passed a group of high school guys, and I waved as we passed, and blew them a kiss. They thought it was hysterical.)

Wangfujing actually wasn't as fun as I thought it would be. That might have been because I didn't need to buy anything, but also I am just not a big mall fan. As we walked around looking for Jamie's cousin, we noticed that Julia didn't look so good (kinda like how some one dying doesn't look so good - sorry Julia.) So she left, and since I was dependent on Marianne, and she wanted to leave, we just left Jamie to his own devices, and made sure Julia got home in one piece. We stopped in a bakery on the way home, and got a full meal for less than 5 dollars. It was awesome. Marianne turned off to go home soon after that, and I hopped on a bus.

It wasn't until I got home that I felt like I had been clubbed with a cricket bat. I am just running on empty, and I have to keep going. My dad however, doesn't seem to have that bug. He made my favorite dinner. It was this really good pita stuff, and lentils with meat in the middle cooked in that crunchy batter stuff. It was amazing.

Now, my homework is done, and my head hurts, so I am going to bed. I might be getting sick, but I can't be sure. At least half of the school is sick, and a lot of people keep missing school because they can't get out of bed. there is definitely something going around, and for some reason, things spread really quickly among us (no, we do not have a lot orgies, think of a different reason.) I hope I don't get sick. I don't have time to get sick. Well, wish me a good night's sleep, because I really bloody need it. See ya, lovelies!


Mom and Dad said...

Hope you are not getting sick, my lovely, but it doesn't sound too good. At least the weekend is almost here! take care and drink lots of tea or whatever. love AM

Rachel Wood said...

Hot coconut bubble tea? Crunchy meat-filled pita things? Holy yum Batman.

Rest up babe.

Sophie Higgins said...

I'm telling you rach, you would love the food here. it's right up your alley. i hope i am not getting sick as well. i can't wait for the weekend, and break.